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OpenZFS Dev Summit 2017 videos
Posted on December 21, 2017.

All the videos for the OpenZFS summit (including the lightning talks) are now online and can be found here.

Day 1 - Faster Allocation with the Log Spacemap

Day 2 - Storage Pool Checkpoint

[BONUS] - Source Code for Storage Pool Checkpoint

The original source code of the zpool checkpoint for DelphixOS is now online on Github and can be found here. As you can see the commit day is the 5th of April earlier this year, so the code has been soaking for some months now with one bug found and fixed since then. Please feel free to email me with any questions on the source code. I hope the code itself is straight-forward and that the comments in it explain the reasoning behind its design. For a high-level overview I’d advice that the reader starts by reading the block comment of the new code and for any specifics follow the references from there. For completeness, I also want to mention that the checkpoint discarding code uses a new piece of infrastructure called ZTHRs* that was introduced in an ealier commit.

[BONUS] - Source Code for the new Space Map Encoding

Code can be found here. Extending the space map format that has existed since the creation of ZFS and completely rewriting some code that had been running fine for 10 years, was an interesting endeavour to say the least.

*unfortunately ZTHREADs was taken.